Ireland and the Nice treaty

The Autumn of 2002 saw second referendum in Ireland on the Nice treaty. Anarchists campaiged for a No Vote.

.Libertarians Against Nice leaflet

Libertarians Against Nice

Read the text

PDF file of leaflet
(red, black and white version)
(black and white version)


Libertarians Against Nice

Anarchist and libertarian groups and individuals from all across Ireland campaigned as Libertarians Against Nice (LAN)

For more details check the LAN website

LAN logo

Be a spanner in the works, not a cog in the machine

Referendum results

Oct 2002 Turnout 49.47% - Yes 62.89% - No 37.11%

June 2001 Turnout 34.79% ( Electorate: 2,867,960 - Total Poll: 997,826) - Yes ( 453,461) No ( 529,478) Spoilt (14,887)

Relevant offical EU documents

National Declaration by Ireland relating to traditional policy of military neutrality
The relevant parts of the Seville EU council minutes on the Irish governments declaration that it hopes will help get the Nice treaty passed the second time around

PDF file of the Nice treaty
Full text of the treaty from the EU web site

PDF file of treaty on European Union
This is the text Nice modifies. Consolidated version incorporating the changes made by the Treaty of Amsterdam, signed on 2 October 1997

No to Fortress Europe, No to Nice

 PDF file
LAN Nice poster against Fortress Europe and Nice

Check out the LAN website

No to a bosses Europe

PDF poster: No to Nice: No to a Bosses Europe

Nice and Shannon

PDF file
LAN poster about Nice and Shannon

Useful articles on the EU

Sweatshops, unions and Fortress Europe
The EU is continuing the exploitation of the people of North Africa through creating a special trade zone of some of the North African countries similar to the free trades zones North America has created in Mexico.

The media and the anti capitalist globalisation movement - Learning from Nice
You may remember back in early December the news being dominated for several nights by coverage of the European Summit in Nice.

Restructuring and resistance: Diverse voices of struggle in western Europe
Thise is an inspired book that succeeds in explaining why many people in western Europe are opposing capitalist globalisation. It does this by doing what the mainstream media will not, giving them a voice.

TRIPS and the WTO - killing millions for massive profits
The World Trade Organisation's Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) was created to allow multinational corporations to demand that their 'ownership' of intellectual patents be respected in all countries.

The Euro: the root of all evil?
It makes no sense for us to oppose the EU on the basis of some sort of return to national sovereignty. Rather we must look for ways to create our globalisation agenda out of the process. The protests at the European Summits are proving one way of doing this

The WTO and GATS
According to the WTO, the GATS agreements cover 160 services' sector. What few people realised when the deal was first done is that the GATS also includes healthcare, education, housing, water, waste management and other basic services usually run by government agencies.

French Workers Take on their bosses [1996]
The strike wave that rocked France in the closing month of 1995 is yet another example of the great fighting spirit of the French working class. Yet when we look at the causes of the strike and the relative weakness of French workplace organisation the question that emerges is 'if they can do it, why can't we'?

The unemployed are on the march [1997]
A European March against Unemployment, Job Insecurity and Exclusion has been called by a wide coalition of unions, unemployed and political groups. Eleven separate legs of the march will arrive in the centre of Amsterdam on the afternoon of June 14th, to coincide with a European Union Inter-governmental Conference

Libertarian call to Sevilla 2002
The European Union, the War Machine against Social Rights an international anarchist statement for Seville


Shannon demonstration against refuelling of US war planes [with photos]
Between September 2001 and July 2002 a total of 535 US warplanes have refuelled at the airport

Shannon is US war port


Useful links

Seville 2002 Europan Summit protests

The Seville 2002 EU summit protests [with photos]
An Irish anarchist reports from the European Summit protests in Seville

 Libertarian call to Sevilla 2002
The European Union, the War Machine against Social Rights an international anarchist statement for Seville

 From Barcelona to Seville
Time was when an EU summit was every leader's wet dream. But not any more. The EU summit in Barcelona over the 9 to the 16 of March saw between 250,000 and 600,000 people take to the streets!

Irish anarchists and the Seville protest
The protests in Seville on the weekend of June 20th against the European summit are liable to be the largest globalisation protests to date. Anarchists from Ireland will be at the protests and in Dublin (and maybe elsewhere) we are arranging solidarity activity

EU, Globalisation and the Seville Protests
How the EU is a motor for globalisation and how its decision effect Irish workers. Also looks at the so called 'inquiry' into the Gardai riot at the RTS street party.

Seville EU summit
PDF file of The EU, globalisation and Seville

Coverage of LAN

'Libertarians against Nice' launched
LAN is a network of groups and individuals across Ireland campaigning against the Nice treaty from a libertarian perspective

The web page for the first referendum is below

Anarchists are campaigning for a No vote in the Nice referendum in Dublin, Cork, Kildare and Sligo. We are producing over 15,000 leaflets and 500 posters which will be distributed door to door and at shopping centres over the next couple of weeks. If want to work with the campaign in these areas please email [email protected]

If you are elsewhere in the country contact us for leaflets or posters and to be put in touch with others in your area.

More information

Nice, anarchists and globalisation
Why Irish anarchists think its worth campaigning for a No vote in the Nice referendum

Neutrality, Leprechauns and Moving Statues
What is the Rapid Reaction Force and what is its real role?

"Plan Columbia":
A Case Study in the European Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy.

Against nationalism, against Nice
Why we disagree with the National Platform

Print out and distribute leaflets and poster

If you have Adobe Reader on you computer you can print out perfect copies of these leaflets and posters to distribute locally. If you don't have it you can get it download it from the Adobe site. [or click here for a faster text only page]. If you use these posters/leaflets please email us at [email protected] telling us how many you are thinking of using and where you will distribute them.

Nice leaflet

Double sided with two per sheet of A4.

Please email us at [email protected] telling us how many you are thinking of using and where you will distribute them

Nice leaflet

Nice poster

Nice posters

A4 size but you can enlarge them on a photocopier to A3 or greater. The one on the left has more text (about the protests at the Nice summit) - it's good for notice boards. The one on the right has larger text and graphics and is better for telegraph poles.

Please email us at [email protected] telling us how many you are thinking of using and where you will distplay them

Nice poster

The Protests against the Nice summit

International anarchist statement for the counter-summit in Nice
signed by Workers Solidarity Movement (Ireland) and groups from the Lebanon, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Italia, USA, Canada and the Czech Republic [ In French][In Italian][In Spanish] [In Turkish]

The media and the anti capitalist globalisation movement - Learning from Nice
You may remember back in early December the news being dominated for several nights by coverage of the European Summit in Nice. An endless stream of politicians and political experts offered us their opinions on what new voting arrangements might be introduced. You might even be aware that there was some opposition on the streets of Nice to the summit, on December 7th most TV news items started with brief footage of a bank being set on fire

December 7th - Battle starts outside European summit in Nice
Mainstream press sites and the wire services are carrying reports that battles have broken out between the protesters in Nice and the riot police guarding the European Summit.

Useful links

A bosses Europe or an anarchist Europe?

A bosses Europe or an anarchist Europe?`
How our vision of unity differs


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