Anarchism in Britain

An index of British anarchist resources and contacts on the internet

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National Mailing lists and discussion boards
Mailing lists that are specifically for or about British anarchists

Enrager Net
Multiple bulletin boards for organisations and issues

British Anarchism
General anarchist discussion and announcement list for anarchists in England, Scotland and Wales. Ssemi-moderated to keep out spam. To join the list simple email [email protected]

Freedom Anarchist Fortnightly mailing list
Freedom is the UK's long-running anarchist newspaper, published fortnightly (ie. every two weeks). This group gives readers, contributors, editors and everybody else an opportunity to discuss the paper's contents and presentation

Anarchist Trade Union Network
The ATUN Discussion Group is a temporary resource set up to discuss the relaunching of what was the ATUN - Anarchist Trade Union Network. It's purpose is to reach practical and concrete ideas/proposals which can then be taken to a relaunch meeting at the 2003 Bookfair. Join by mailing: [email protected]

Broadly libertarian
Mailing lists that are run by organisations or people close to anarchism but who for one reason or another don't use the anarchist label

Discussion list on the philosphy, tactics and actions of the white overalls. Email [email protected]

IWW list for UK members and interested individuals. To join send a message to [email protected]

Of interest to anarchists
Mailing lists that may be of interest to anarchists

No war but the class war
Loose coalition of anarchists and anti-authoritarian anti-capitalists. Join by emailing [email protected]


Organisations that operate over several cities

Anarchist Federation
Formerly the Anarchist Communist Federation now the British section of the International Federation of Anarchists

Revolutionary Anarchist Workers
We call for the setting-up in Britain of an anarchist group based on organisational principles of unity of theory, unity of tactics, collective responsibility, and federalism

Solidarity Federation
British section of the International Workers' Association (IWA), the anarcho-syndicalist international

Class War Federation
The website of the Class War Federation, who amongst other things produce the newspaper Class War.

Anarchist Trade Union Network
For communication and co-ordination of activities of anarchists in Trade Unions in the UK

Anarchist Youth Network
Self-organising national anarchist youth group

Organisations based around a particular place

East-Midlands Anarchists
Intended as a point of contact for people in the region, and a possible means to discuss ideas, get organised and active, etc.To join, send an email to: [email protected]

Freedom Press
In London, publishes the anarchist paper Freedom, the Anarchist quarterly the Raven, and many anarchist books and pamphlets

Norwich anarchists
Norwich Anarchists are a community orientated group of activists that use campaigns and direct action to further the ideals of anarchism.

Cardiff Anarchist Network
Cardiff Anarchists is a collective of people who want to pursue political demonstrations through direct action

Manchester AF
Manchester branch of the UK's Anarchist Federation.

Surrey Anarchist Group
A diverse group of anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist activists organised non-hierarchially. Believe in using direct action to bring about fundamental changes in society

Aberdeen Anarchist Resistance
Local broad based anarchist group active in various struggles in and around the Aberdeen area.

Walthamstow Anarchist Group
News and views from this local group in part of NE London, including Middle FInger radio project

Leytonstone Activist Group
News and views from this local group in part of NE London

Wakefield Anarchist Group
We are an informal umbrella group of working-class activists in and around the Wakefield area (West Yorkshire, UK) coming from an anarchist-communist perspective.everyone is encouraged to join the list, get involved with us in the class struggle for working-class emancipation and help build a libertarian future, hopefully having as much fun as possible in the process.

Brighton ABC
Brighton Anarchist Black Cross prisoners support group

PS Bristol ABC
Prisoner Support Bristol Anarchist Black Cross is aimed at supporting activist prisoners in the South West and beyond.

SW Solidarity
South West local of the Solidarity Federation

Lancashire SolFed
Lancs branch of SolFed, with members in Burnley, Preston and Lancaster

Manchester SolFed
Manchester branch of SolFed

Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh
Edinburgh social centre, claimants and prisoners support


The anarchist bookfair
Annual mid October bookfair held in London, thousands attend

Resource providers

Kate Sharpley Library
Dedicated to researching and restoring the history of the anarchist movement and regularly publishes information on lost areas of anarchist history. It was named in honour of Kate Sharpley, a First World War anarchist and anti-war activist.

Advisory Service for Squatters
Squatters and housing advice and empowerment

Issue based

An adhoc network of groups and individuals prepared for active resistance to increasing surveillance and the introduction of identity o' entitlement' cards in the UK.

Education Workers Network (SolFed)
Education Workers Network (Solidarity Federation) - anarcho-syndicalist education workers

Reclaim the Streets
A direct action network for global and local social-ecological revolution(s) to transcend hierarchical and authoritarian society, (capitalism included)

Anti-Drug War, Anti-Capitalist website with anarchist slant

Anarchist organisations that no longer exist but have web archives

Anarchist Workers Group
Platformist anarchist group that dissolved in 1991

Class War
At the Nottingham conference in March 1997 Class War formally split. 60% of those there wanted to wind up the organisation and published a 'final issue' linked above explaining why and giving their analysis of Class War and the left. 40% decided to continue Class War and have published additional issues since.

Organisation of Revolutionary Anarchists
Existed in the 1970's and published the excellent Libertarian Communist Review

Anarchist Communist Association
"came about as a result in a split in the late 70s within the Organisation of Revolutionary Anarchists, which also produced the Anarchist Workers Association"

Libertarian communist organisation that existed in Britain in the late 1960's and 1970's

Sheffield Anarchist Group
Sheffield Anarchist Group hasn't existed since June 1998

Broadly libertarian
Organisations that organise in a way that is compatable with anarchism but may not use that label

Industrial Workers of the World, famous revolutionary union

WOMBLES: White Overalls Movement Building Libertarian Effective Struggles
A diverse group of individuals involved in many different issues all united through a horizontal organisation, direct action and a desire to fundamentally change society

Earth First
Ecological Direct Action


Nottingham Association of Subversive Activists
Set up after the J18 (G7 Cologne) protests to bring together local, non - hierarchical groups fighting social, economic, and environmental injustice

Glasgow - a group of anarchists, socialists and greens who share similar views on the world and the concern that profit comes before people

South London Action Group
created to provide networking opportunities for people and groups who are, or want to be, involved in building sustainable community-based actions in South London

Simon Jones Memorial Campaign
Direct action anti-casualisation campaign in memory of an activist murdered by casual work

Movement against the Monarchy
To get rid of the British Monarchy and other parasites

No War But The Class War
We are a group of people, based in London, who have come together to oppose the war on a class basis

Organisations that no longer exist which organised in a way that is compatable with anarchism but did not use that label

Publications whose produces distribute in Britain in printed form (ie not just web/PDF)


Black Flag
For a social system based on mutual aid and voluntary co-operation

Long-running direct action newsletter, with resources for action at their site

Annual magazine of the Anarchist Federation

Monthly newsheet of the Anarchist Federation

Fortnightly paper produced by Freedom Press

Direct Action
Quaterly magazine of the Solidarity Federation

The Raven
Quarterly pamphlet produced by Freedom Press which is being wound up Summer 2002

Kate Sharpley Library bulletin
Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library, anarchist archive.

On line version of Bristol anarchist paper

Total Liberty magazine
Sample articles, contents of 8 issues, contact details for Total Liberty magazine: a journal of evoluntionary anarchism

The Raven
Anarchist quarterly magazine published by Freedom press

Green Anarchist
Green Anarchist, description of mag and links to list of articles.


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Web pages
General British anarchist pages that are not listed elsewhere

St Agnes Place
28 years of squatting culture

London Class Struggle Gridlock
Webpage of a number of class struggle anarchist, feminist and libertarian communist groups in London, England

Anarchist writings from Anarcho
A selection of writings from a Scottish anarchist
keeping two beady eyes and a snout on the Metropolitan Police

Fare Dodgers Liberation Front!
Fare dodging, touting, the scourge of the underground! How dare they steal from the hard working bosses!

Local mailing lists

Surrey Anarchist Group - We aim to break away from the traditional forms of protest such as placard-waving and petitioning. Email [email protected]

South London Action Group

Loose coalition of anarchists and anti-authoritarian anti-capitalists. Eamil [email protected]

These are pages about British anarchists who are now dead

Albert Meltzer
A page on the life and times of longstanding British anarchist Albert Meltzer, who died in 1996


Subject index


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