Anarchism and the fight against fascism

An index of anarchist anti-fascist links and articles


Remembering the Anarchist Resistance to fascism
The history we learn in school would have us believe that the working class of Germany and Italy hardly even complained about the rise of fascism in the 1920s and 1930s. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The Arditi del Popolo in Italy - the first anti-fascist organization (1921-22)
The anti-fascist organization had at least 144 sections with a total of about 20,000 members. As it was being founded, its first successes arrived - the defence of Viterbo against the Perugian blackshirt attack - and at Sarzana where about 20 fascists were killed.

Britain: For King and Country
British Establishment support for Fascism in the 20ies and 30ies and the history of Fascist groups in the Conservative Party since then

Ireland:When the bishop's blessed the blueshirts
The Fascist origins of one of Ireland's main political parties and establishment support for Franco during the Spanish Civil War.

Forgotten heros
The role Spanish anarchists played in fighting fascism in France in WWII

Gladio : The stratergy of tension 
Te use of Fascist groups by the Italian secret state in the 1970ies to stall a 'slide to the left'.

The irresistible correctness of anarchism
A lengthy review of the SWP's "The Resistible Rise of Benito Mussolini," exposing its distortions of history (particularly about anarchism during this period) and indicating the flaws in their anti-fascist front, the Anti-Nazi League.

The crushing of the FAUD by Hitler
On 5th November 1937, Julius Nolden, a car plant worker from Duisburg was sentenced by the "The People's Court" in Berlin to a ten year prison term f Arrested with him were 88 other male and female anarcho-syndicalists who stood trial in the Rhineland in early 1938.

The Death of Michael Schirru
M. Schirru was arrested on February 3rd, 1931 in a hotel room in Rome. He had gone to Rome to assassinate Mussolini.

CNT Militants and the Liberation of Paris
It's little known but in 1944 Paris was liberated by Spanish anarchists serving in the Free French army.

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'Ecology' and the Modernization of Fascism in the German Ultra-right
Today's fascists have a distinct ideological legacy from their fascist forebears upon which to draw. Indeed, 'ecology' and a mystical reverence for the natural world are hardly new to German nationalism

Tactics to fight fascism
Fighting fascism can not be done just in terms of ideas. Fascists do not wait until they have convinced a sufficient number of people to put their ideas into power before they put their ideas into practise. Even tiny groups of a dozen or less organise and carry out terror attacks on those they oppose or scapegoat. Only physical confrontation can deter and prevent these activities

Fascist terror grows across Europe [1992]
Today the fascists are not on the way to taking state power anywhere in the world. However this does not mean that they can be safely ignored. Tapping into widespread discontent, they are providing the leadership and stimulus for growing racist hatred and terror. Should they continue to grow they will pose a major threat to all working class and left-wing organisations.=

Can the European fascists take power in the 1990s? [1993]
THE GROWTH of the far-right throughout Europe in the last few years has alarmed many who thought fascism died with Hitler. It also has given rise to a debate on the left over the nature of fascism, one that has spilled over into the letters pages of Workers Solidarity. The debate continues with Andrew Flood discussing some of the historical features of fascism and the importance of racism as the central plank of fascism to-day.

The fight against fascism...yesterday and tomorrow [1997]
On February 15th, the 'Plume Noire' anarchist bookstore was plastered with fascist stickers. At around 5am the bookshop was completely destroyed in an obviously well orchestrated incendiary attack.

Fascism leading the racists
Rostock recently became infamous as we all witnessed pictures of the Neo-Nazi youth hurling petrol bombs at the asylum hostel containing mostly Bulgarian and Romanian refugees. One local activist in Germany reported the following. " On Sunday night, a line of riot police could not prevent a second night of attacks, this time by nazi youths armed with molotov cocktails"


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