Globalization and anarchism

Articles on the struggle against capitalist globalistion that should be of interest to anarchists

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The global capitalist organisations

Reviews of key texts

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Eyewitness accounts and texts from the protests


Black Block Participant Interview







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Debates and discussion

PDF files on globalisation

Anti-Capitalism or State Capitalism?

I Anti-Capitalism or State Capitalism?
II Socialism or Statism?
III Does it matter?
VI For a real anti-capitalism!

A pamphlet on the state capitalist and statist nature of Bolshevism which also explains the anarchist alternative. Also available in pdf format.

Anti capitalism or state capitalism

I Anti-Capitalism or State Capitalism?
II Socialism or Statism?
III Does it matter?
VI For a real anti-capitalism!

An 8 pamphlet on the state capitalist and statist nature of Bolshevism which also explains the anarchist alternative

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