LIBERTARIANS AGAINST NICE | [email protected] | 087 7501473

About Libertarians Against Nice

LAN was a network of groups and individuals across Ireland campaigning against the Nice treaty from a libertarian perspective. We madeopposition to capitalist globalisation, Fortress Europe, militarism and the expansion of police powers the basis of our campaign. We also put forward a positive view of a libertarian Europe as an alternative to the bosses Europe proposed in the Nice treaty.

LAN Links

(posters, leaflets etc in PDF format for you to print out and distribute)
Nice Information and Background
Press releases from LAN
Analysis of the Nice Treaty
(Analysis of the Treaty and details of a previous anarchist campaign against
the first referendum)

Nice websites by LAN members

do you have a LAN site?
email us and we can link to it

Contact LAN:

email: [email protected]
mobile: 087 7501473

regional contacts available

Keep up to date

LAN announcements are posted to IrishAnarchism. Mail [email protected] to get them.



Who is in LAN

Why we oppose Nice

Vote No to Nice on 19th October
The text of the Libertarians Against Nice leaflet. 50,000 have been printed for distribution before October 19th

Libertarians Against Nice leaflet

PDF file of leaflet
(red, black and white version)
(black and white version)

LAN involves members of:

Anarchist Federation Ireland, Anarchist Support, Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation, Cork Anarchist Alliance, Cork Peace Alliance, Gluaiseacht, RTS Ireland, Socialist Alternative, Workers Solidarity Movement as well as lots of unaffiliated people.


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LAN logo
Be a spanner in the works, not a cog in the machine