PDF file of Our Globalisation poster

The PDF file on this page is the Our Globalisation. Anyone with the correct software (see below) can download and print it out complete with graphics.

We invite you print out the PDF file make extra copies and display it or distribute it at events or places, in infoshops, libraries, bookshops etc.

All we ask in return is that you tell us how many you are printing out and where you are distributing them. Even if you are only printing out a copy for yourself please tell us as every bit of feedback will encourage us to make future posters also available as PDF files.

Thanks for taking the time to fill in the form, if you are in a hurry just fill in the first couple of fields and then send it. If you have the time we would appreciate it if you also filled in the optional additional information which will help us gauge how succesful different ways of promoting this site are.

download the poster by clicking here

Instructions for downloading:

To view and print out the file you will need to have Adobe Document Reader on your computer. This is free software that now comes on many computers and with many CD's. If you do not already have it you can download it from the Adobe site. [or click here for a faster text only page]

If you have Adobe Document Reader installed then you can download the poster by clicking here [or with your mouse click and hold on the link and drag it onto your desktop, then while it is downloading complete the information below]

How many posters are you going to print out/photocopy and distribute/display? (If it's just for you please put 1)

Which city/region and country and you distributing them in

What sort of events or places are you distributing them at

What is your email address? (optional, will not be made public)

If your in a hurry then click this button, otherwise please complete the other section of the form below before clicking the button:

Optional section:

Where did you first hear about the Anarchism web site (optional)

Followed a link from Struggle.ws
Followed a link from an Indymedia web page
Some other web page
On a mailing list
In a printed publication
On a poster
On a sticker
Friend told me about it
In a chat room

How often have you visted the Anarchism web site (optional)
This is my first visit
Two or three times
Four or five times
Up to ten times
More then ten times

Have you printed off PDF files before (optional)
Yes but not off Struggle or Anarchism.ws
This is my second file off Struggle or Anarchism.ws
I've printed out up to five PDF files off Struggle or Anarchism.ws
I've printed off more then five files Struggle or Anarchism.ws

Any other comments ?

Any questions you'd like to have answered: (make sure to provide you email address for replies)

Submit Form: .

Other PDF files

Where the poster has been printed out and distributed

Listing started June 16 2003. Last updated on: 05/25/2011 08:57:15