Biographies and writings of well known anarchists

Mikhail Bakunin
the 'founding father' of modern anarchism

Alexander Berkman
US anarchist who wrote 'Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist'

Camillo Berneri
An Italian anarchist who fought and wrote about the Spanish Civil War alongside the Spanish anarchists.

Buenaventura Durruti
Spanish anarchist who led the first anarchist militia column

Leah Feldman
Polish anarchist women who joined the Makhnovists

Daniel Guerin
French anarchist and author of several books

Emma Goldman
Emma was deported from the US, Russia, Poland and Germany amongst others

Praxedis G. Guerrero
A Mexican anarchist killed in the opening months of the Mexican Revolution

Errico Malatesta
Italian anarchist, one of the best anarchist writers

Ricardo Magon
Mexican anarchist and political writer who dies in a US prison

Louise Michel
a French anarchist women who fought in the Paris commune

Albert Meltzer
British anarchist

Sacco and Vanzetti
In 1927, two Italian-born anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were judicially murdered by the State of Massachusetts in the USA.

B. Traven
The German anarchist who joined Gustav Landauer & Eric Muhsam in the "Red Council" uprising in 1919; feld State murder & moved on to Mexico, met Zapatista in Chiapas and wrote some great novels including The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.

Oscar Wilde's
The popular Irish writer also considered himself an anarchist

Captain Jack White
Irish anarchist who fought in Spain and helped form the Irish Citizens Army

George Woodcock
Academic who researched and wrote about anarchism

Emiliano Zapata
One of the hero's of the Mexican revolution

Sidney Solomon
a long-time anarchist and painter who lived in New York,. Member of Vanguard Group, the New Trends Group and the Libertarian Book Club