Primitivist and post-left 'anarchism'

It has been said that anarchism has a broad back and its certainly true that many odd ideologies from free market capitalism through to fascism have tried to climb up there at one time or another. This page is an index of articles belonging to the latest such attempt which goes under the label of 'post-left' although 'post-anarchist' would probably be more accurate. The background to this tendancy lay in an even stranger one called primitivism although of course as the article below reflect there was a falling out. It's an index of material produced by those promoting this tendency often followed by discussion of these articles. Many of these articles are on infoshop but unfortunately the moderator there has taking to deleting points in reply to them that he finds difficult.



Civilisation, Primitivism and anarchism

Class War, Industrial Capitalism, and Civilization
The relationship between class struggle and "civilization" will be discussed here from the perspective of revolutionary, class-struggle, pro-organizational, anarchism, in the tradition of anarcho-communism

Wolfi Landstreicher's

Lawrence Jarach's

Alex Trotter's

Jason McQuinn

Derrick Jensen

C.A.L. Press


Green Anarchy

Primitivists/post left collections


Critiques of post-leftism

Critiques of primitivism