The Government intends to deport asylum seekers in the very near future. It is already turning back people at Irish airports, train stations and ports on completely racist grounds - in many cases only on the basis of skin colour! It is doing this in our name.
The imminent deportations must be stopped. Action by you could mean saving someone's life. Some immediate steps can be taken:
1. Register your concern immediately with the Dept of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, 72-76 St Stephen's Green Dublin 2. Ph: 01-6028202 Fax 01-6615461 Email: [email protected]
2. Express your opposition to your TD or public representative. Insist that s/he raises the matter of the deportations in the Dáil. Point out the urgency of the situation.
3. Raise the issue in your union and at work. If you are a student, get your Student's Union to take a stand. Support the right of airport and seaport workers to refuse to participate in any attempted deportations.
4. Get involved with Immigrant Solidarity's anti-racist events. Join us. Solidarity is strength.