Residents Against Racism

The objectives of Residents Against Racism are primarily, to support and defend victims of racist harassment from the state. Secondly, it is to fight against all forms of racism, and to state that asylum-seekers and refugees are welcome in Ireland. We are a democratically-organised voluntary group, are not aligned to any political party or organisation, and have members/supporters all over Ireland.  Approximately 50% of members who attend meetings are refugees, asylum-seekers or from ethic minority communities.

If you are facing state racism in any form contact us on our 24-hour helplines: 086 6662060 - 087 7974622

Kate Bamidele: Don't let them send her to her death
If the Irish government sends her back to Nigeria, she faces the prospect of being stoned to death

Residents Against Racism Protests Mass-Deportations at Dáil Éireann report on the RAR demonstration against the deportation of 65 people to Romania and Moldov

Immigrants March to the Dail - with babies in buggies! report on the RAR protest against deportation of the families of Irish-born children.

Diary on Irish racism
This is an unofficial account of some events, political decisions, and actions related to the rise in racism in Ireland from 1997 to 2000.

Examples of past campaigns

Belmondo Wantete
Belmondo Wantete, an electrical engineer from the Congo, has lived in Ireland with his wife and young children for two and a half years, and has resident status. Since May 1st 1998 he was subjected to the most appalling harassment and racism by the gardaí. Belmondo was vindicated in court on 13th of October, 2000.

Ekundayo Omoniyi
Ekundayo Joseph Omoniyi was forced to flee from his native Nigeria because of his opposition to the military regime in that country. His application for asylum was turned down, he was seized by the Gardái who attempted to forcibly deport him. He passively resisted this illegal deportation and as a result is now charged with assaulting the Gardai. Proceedings against Ekundayo on charges arising from his appeals case were dropped since late May '00. This shows how state racism in Ireland can be fought against and defeated. Congratulations to all of those who worked to support Ekundayo and highlight his case.

Steve Oladejz
Steve Oladeja was a policeman in Nigeria. He had moral objections to enforcing the murderous policies of the then government, and was imprisoned in horrific conditions after voicing his objections, and refusing orders

Ike Vincent
Jailed for committing the 'impossible crime'

Tunde Adekiyesi
Arrested at Dublin Airport for apparently having no ID,, charged under the Illegal Aliens Act, 1935. He works at Dublin Airport packing in-flight meals

 Joint leaflet with AFA and ARC - Racist lies

Background information

Nigeria's police: The horrifying truth
Article was written by Ede Ahmed an asylum seeker based in Ireland.with the intention of highlighting the reasons why the Minister of Justive is not justified in colluding with the corrupt Nigerian police

Nigeria is not safe


Contact us at [email protected] , [email protected]


We need you to support our work:

*Join Residents Against Racism

*Come to our stall: Every Saturday, 12.30-2pm, Bank of Ireland, Westmoreland Street, Dublin 2

*Come to our meetings: Every Thursday in the Teachers Club, Parnell Square, Dublin, at 8pm

*Write for more inormation: Residents Against Racism, c/o 12a. Brunswick Place, Dublin 2.