Kurdistan is a land where Kurdish people live in an organized feudal and capitalist system, where working people, (especially women and children) are suffering from poverty, ill treatment and oppression from the authorities, who are represented by the Kurdish parties (Kurdish Democratic Party, Patriotic Union of Kurdistan) and the PKK of Northern Kurdistan. They are for the freedom of Kurdistan as much as Yasser Arafat (the hero[?] of national liberation for the past two decades) is for the freedom of the poor Palestinian people.

After the Iraqui authorities were forced to leave south of Kurdistan in March 1991 by the sheer force of uprisings by soldiers and poor people of the South and Kurdistan of Iraq, for that short period, the poor people, in their unity against the government, felt their strength and showed to themselves and the world what kind of storm will come when the bottom of society is on fire and in revolt. To crush and strangle the uprisings as quickly as possible, Iraqi government thugs, with the help of allied troops in the area, united in an unholy-alliance against the revolt to bring back law and order to the south of Iraq, massacred unarmed slaves of people. The same happened to our comrades in the Paris Commune at the hands of the French government and at the hands of Bismarck's troops 125 years ago.

Then in Kurdistan, Kurdish Parties (PUK & KDP) in the name of free Kurdistan and supported by landowners, merchants, and a large number of shop owners who control the movement in the market, established themselves as new bosses of Kurdistan, crushing with an iron fist any discontent and challenge to their power and their properties like any other authority in the world.

Of course, this does not suprise us Anarchists. Clearly we see where there are classes there will be clashes, we see any government means violence, murder and robbery against poor working people of this rotten world. Usually, suprise suprise, Leftists in Kurdistan and in other places (for example Communist parties, Socialist Workers Party in Britain) seek power of government in the name of the working class as the Bolshevik regime did for the workers of Russia, Ukraine. They started to shoot the spirit of Russian Revolution as soon as they became new bosses of Russia. The slaughter of thousands of sailors of Kronstadt by the Red Army, on the order of Lenin and Trotsky in March 1921, is a vivid reminder to us what the Leninist and Stalinist ideology means in practice.

The leftists (some of them are fools and others confused by their leaders) with minds so saturated with crappy Leninist ideology, usually criticize and blame one section of the government which is not doing good works for the workers.

Logically it is true that a dog cannot talk and sing. Just barking like a dog, that is how we compare (and what we expect from) any state in history of the wide world in its oppressive behaviour.

That is why we say it is a big lie, and is an unforgivable lie, to tell the world through their massive media that a majority of Kurdish people are suffering in life because all they lack is a powerful Kurdish state. The truth is that the poor population of Kurdistan are suffering, like the working class population of the rest of the world in many ways, from the brutal forces of the capitalist system and their own authorities.

Our task as Anarchists is to tell the workers, teachers, students in Kurdistan on farms, in schools, at work places, not to be fooled into struggling for a change of bosses from Turkish to Kurdish, from Persian to Kurdish, from Arabic to Kurdish. They should understand and take the lessons from their own history and working class history as a whole, that the solution is a Communist-Anarchist revolution. It is an enormous and bloody task, the preparation for that aim must be organized and linked on an international scale, otherwise we waste our energy without it.

Light with the flame of revolt, the hearts and consciousness of Turkish, Persian and Arab workers, students, soldiers to end the power of poverty and the power of money. Your mission is to destroy authorities forever, not to create a mini new one in the name of Kurdistan. Kurdistan and the rest of the world could be a garden of life without the states.

Long live Kurdish language and music. Long live the spirit of Communist-Anarchist revolution in the Middle-East and in the rest of the world. Our aim is to wipe out religion, state, racism and money.

by Kurdish Anarchists

About Anarchism in Turkey: Turkiye'de Anarsizm

Texts in Turkish: Turkce metinler