The ELC company has already spent a considerable amount of money on publicising its case in order to get more of the public to cross the picket line - a policy that hasn't worked. It has also employed a full time security man to monitor the picketers. So far it has been estimated that the ELC has spent nearly £25,000 on direct advertising against the strikers - a sum of money that would have paid their demands in full for nearly three.
From this fact alone it is clear that the ELC management is deeply fearful of any union involvement at any of its shops. Low pay is the hallmark of the ELC's current high profits. It has adopted a policy of attrition against the strikers from the outset. Publicly it is offering very minor concessions; in practice it out to defeat this attempt at unionisation once and for all. So far attempts at reaching a settlement via the Labour Relations Commission have not been successful. It is highly unlikely that they ever will. It must be borne in mind that the ELC company will be unenthusiastic about any meditated settlement until and unless it is forced to be.
Workers do not have the resources for a very long strike. With over 200 shops in Ireland and the UK, and with the backing of the its parent group, Menzies, the ELC can withstand an isolated strike like this for as long as it takes. If nothing else, this current dispute shows the limits of such an uneven battle - when workers don't win wider support. This support must be built now.
Within Mandate: Mandate workers throughout Ireland are familiar with the ongoing ongoing fight against low pay and casualisation. Shop-stewards in Cork should be approached by the strikers to organise an immediate letter to the Mandate executive asking it to:
Outside Mandate: A Strike Support Group should be initiated by the strikers. The strikers should retain full control over this group. Its principal activities should be to win wider trade union support for the strike, and to spread news about the strike outside of Cork - especially to the other towns that have ELC shops: Belfast, Waterford, Limerick, Galway, and Dublin.
Kevin Doyle
see also Cork Workers Strike Against Low Pay