30p+postage from TFC, P.O. Box 102, Galway. From Galway, this aggressive little paper is produced by The Frontline Collective. This new anarchist group seems to be making an impact around the city. They introduced their first issue last year with if you're one of those people who've swallowed all the crap about there being 'no such thing as working class anymore' or that 'we live in a classless society' then this is the time to stop reading.
Organise! (The Voice of Anarcho-Syndicalism)
60p+postage from Organise!, P.O. Box 505, Belfast BT11 9EE. This Belfast-based anarchist-syndicalist bulletin now appears as a magazine. Vol.2 no.3 includes articles on whether there can be a left wing loyalism, the 'peace process', water privatisation, the French government's nuclear tests, and a review of Ken Loach's film 'Land and Freedom'. The group producing the magazine seek to build an alternative to the existing trade unions, a revolutionary union like the CNT in Spain.