The Workers Solidarity Federation

(dissolved in Sept' 99 - the web page will remain on Struggle)

South African

Statement to the international anarchist movement on the dissolution of the WSF


"Phambili ngomzabalazo wabasabenzi"

"Phansti nge-Capitalism"

"Forward to Real Socialism and Workers Control"

Documents and publications of the
Workers Solidarity Federation

Statement to the international anarchist movement on the dissolution of the WSF

An introduction to the Workers Solidarity Federation

The recolonisation of Africa and the future of the left

After the WSF dissolved several new groups emerged in South Africa. I hope to add contact details for these groups here once such information is passed on to me

Post WSF ad from site maintainer

Latest International anarchist news and discussion about Southern Africa via


Workers Solidarity Federation section of the African anarchism web page

For the latest news subscribe to anarchy_africa