What is crime and who defines it, if we get rid of the police then who will stop crime occuring.
Justice in a corrupt
Why is it that there is no expensive tribunals set up to 'establish
the truth' about joyriding in Darndale
Crime and community
The term 'community policing' has been much abused in recent times,
most particularly in the North of Ireland where it has become
shorthand for vicious punishment beatings and shootings. In this
article Gregor Kerr takes a look at the issue of community policing -
what it is and more importantly what it isn't. The question of what
levels of real community policing would actually be possible or
allowed under capitalism is looked at, and the debate about crime,
anti-social behaviour and reactions to it in an anarchist society is
touched on.
The Role of the Gardai
The primary role of the police is to preserve the status quo in
society. In other words, the first task of the police force, of any
police force, is to ensure the rule of the State and the rich elite
Thinking about Anarchism -
Whatever nice theories about crime anarchists might come up with we
can be sure that any community subjected to a murder or a rape will
want something done about it.
Crime and Punishment
What exactly is crime anyway, who defines it and how is it enforced.
Crime, Criminals, Punishment an
anarchist view
Kropotkin came up with three types of crime. Property related crime,
government related crime and crimes against the person. In Britain it
has been estimated that 94% of crime is committed against property.
However what isn't recorded are those crimes committed for property.
'Justice' and 'Equality' in
Just in case you had any illusions about the fairness or impartiality
of the Irish 'justice' system
May 9th 2001 - Large protest
in Dublin against police brutality [with photos]
After two days when the first item on the evening TV news was the
brutal Gardai attack on a Reclaim the Streets party it was not
surprising that thousands joined a rally against police brutality
outside Pearse St police station on Thursday night.
May 6th 2002- Dublin Reclaim the
Streets attacked by Gardai [with photos]
It was expected that this would be the largest Dublin Reclaim the
Streets to date. What was not so expected was that by the end of the
day 24 people would have been arrested and over a dozen hospitalised
by a police riot on Dame street.
March 13th 2002-
First Case against
Burlington protestor dismissed in Dublin district court!
As many off you probably know 14 people were arrested for at an anti
privitisation demo at the Burlington hotel last October. The first
full hearing came up today., I wasn't a witness so I got to sit
through the whole thing and study the machinations of the capitalist
justice system at district court level in great detail!
Jan 10 2002 - Report on
Defend our civil liberties meeting
About 35-40 people turned up mainly non-party political. Firstly the
video was shown of the Burlington anti PPP demo and the attacks by
the cops. Pretty disturbing stuff much more so when you view it in
the cold light of day.
Oct 11th 2001- Gardai
attack globalisation protest at Dublin's Burlington hotel
A protest against an international privitisation conference at
Dublin's Burlington hotel turned violent when the Gardai (Irish
police) attacked protesters with batons. They were aided by a number
of non uniformed men armed with sticks and torches
August 20th 2001 -
Another member of
Householders Against the Service Charges jailed in Cork
He is being held in Cork Prison having been sentenced to serve 5 days
in jail for not paying a £70 fine under the Litter Act
Irish campaigner arrested
and beaten
The most frightening experience involved my arresting Carabinari
attempting to stab me. When this happened my mind thought of people
who had died of gunshot wounds in French detention and for a moment I
did question my future
Who guards the guards?
In the light of the latest crime scare and the extra powers provided
to the police we look at what the state is really up to.
New law aids pimps and protection
Tagged on to the end of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 1993
were further restrictions on prostitution. Under the new act,
prostitutes are now liable to fines of up to £1,000 and up to
six months in prison.
Censor Censored!
A Censorship law praised by feminists has been used to ban books by a
leading anti-porn feminist.
Pushers Out: Poverty Out
The Heroin crisis continues in Dublin, we examine how it is rooted in
Homelessness -
Prostitution; Legalisation?
The sex industry is expanding and is said to gross millions of
pounds per annum. Over the last year this has been reflected in the
increasing focus in the media on prostitution.
Gardaí involved in
racist persecution
Belmondo Wantete, an electrical engineer from the Congo, has lived in
Ireland with his wife and young children for the last four years, and
is a legal resident. Last year, on May 1st, gardaí raided his
home at 3am. They shouted threats and racist abuse, and pushed a gun
through his letter box.
Employment Equality
The Employment Equality Bill effectively gives schools and hospitals
which are controlled by either of the churches the right to
discriminate on the basis of marital status, family/parental status,
sexual orientation, race, religion or membership of the Traveller
Irish Building workers ripped off
in Germany
Thousands of Irish building workers have gone to work in Germany over
the last few years. As European integration proceeds, German
contractors are increasingly turning to foreign workers. They want
foreign workers because they are cheaper, unorganised and easier to
push around
Your job is not worth a lot
.. and that's official according to the appeals tribunal
Which western country never
fully abolished slavery?
SLAVERY IS STILL LEGAL in the USA. Contrary to what we may learn in
school, the American Civil War did not see the complete abolition of
slavery in 1865.
The Anti-D scandal
Due to contaminated Anti-D about a thousand women have contracted
Hepatitis C. We look at why the contamination happened and why the
government tried to cover it up
Explosion in Cork Harbour
The explosion and fire at the Hickson chemical plant in Ringaskiddy,
Cork, last August, has gone down as one of the most serious
industrial accidents in Ireland to date.
Accidents will happen?
Workplace accidents rarely happen. They are caused. It is equally the
case that workers end up taking more than their fair share of blame
when things do go wrong
Wads of cash
Corruption, corruption, corruption, everywhere you go. No matter
where you turn these days, it seems to jump right up into your face.
Lowry. Haughey. Brown paper bags. Wads of cash. Bank Drafts. Favours.
Planning permission. Rezoning. The Cayman Islands!
37% illegally underpaid
Over 37% of the workplaces visited by wages inspectors were illegally
underpaying staff.
Uncle Sams Torture Trade
From September 1991-December 1993, the U.S. Commerce Department
approved over 350 export licenses, worth more than $27 million, for
torture and police equipment
Review: Would Pat Buchanan
take a cheque from Satan
A review of Michael Moore's 'Downsize this!'
Crime does pay
When Shell managers in Nigeria declare openly that they prefer
military dictatorship to representative rule, they know what they are
talking about.
Censorship of Abortion Information Act, 1995
In the autumn of 1992, the people of Ireland voted to legalise
abortion information. More than two years later, the government has
finally introduced a Bill to 'regulate' this information.
Anarchists raided in Canada
The Canadian state has raided anarchists in Quebec in response to
growing social unrest.
If the cops don't like
Class War meeting banned in Dublin
Costly speech for Irish
Three socialists in Cork, members of the Socialist Alliance group,
have found themselves up against the guardians of 'public order' for
the second time in two months. Their crime? Putting up posters.
Wexford strike declared
WORKERS AT Nolans Transport in New Ross have been told their strike
is illegal. They have been in dispute since February 1993 for better
pay, better conditions and union recognition.
Roadblocks on the Information
Capitalism will not allow 'freedom of information' in any real sense.
The mass media is all state owned or owned by wealthy corporations.
As long as access to the internet was confined to a narrow layer of
academics and students, freedom of expression was permitted. But now
that it starts to become a mass medium of communication the state is
seeking to impose limits on this expression.
513 Anarchists arrested in
On November 18th this year after an overnight battle with police and
fascist gangs on one side and Greek anarchists on the other riot
police stormed Athens Polytechnic and arrested 513 of the 2000 mostly
anarchist occupiers.
Socialist arrested by
SWP election candidate was arrested by Gardai while making an
election address in Rathmines, Dublin
Free speech and the litter
The use of the Litter Act to prevent the distribution of anti-racist
leaflets is a very serious step. A blanket ban on the distribution of
leaflets would have serious consequences for other political,
environmental, civil liberties, community or trade union campaigns.
The United States of
The US Prison system incarcerated its two millionth prisoner. This
means that the prison population of the USA accounts for 25% of the
entire prison population of the world
The Secret Police during the Russian
Was the Cheka integral to Lenin's doctrine or did it arrive by
ex-Black Panther to speak in Ireland
Lorenzo Komboa Ervin speaking tour, US political prisoner and
ex-Black Panther was speaking in Ireland in May of 1997. This article
explains who he is.
Recently the WSM organised a speaking tour by Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervin
in Ireland. After Ireland Lorenzo went to Australia where he was
arrested by the racist Australian government.
International campaign wins stay of
execution for US black activist
American black activist and journalist, Mumia Abu-Jamal, was
sentenced to die at 10pm on August 17th. Protests which took place in
over twenty countries forced the US authorities to grant a stay of
execution, just 11 days before he was to be killed.
article by Mumia: The return of the chain gangs
Review: BAD - The Autobiography of
James Carr
From Gangster to revolutionary - This book tells the brutally honest
story of a Black American brought up in the ghettos of LA to become,
alongside George Jackson, one of the most intransigent prison rebels
of that period of the late 60s and early 70s
Troops out : Prisoners out
We welcome the cease-fire. The "peace process", however, has little
to recommend it. It represents little more than arguments over who
exactly will administer capitalism in Ireland.
Legalise it
The legaisation of Cannabis is now being debated openly by sections
of the European ruling class.
The heroin menace
Dublin is experiencing a heroin epidemic similar to the in the late
1970s. That epidemic left hundreds of young people hooked on heroin
and dozens of them have since died of AIDS and AIDS related diseases.
Some big criminals made fortunes out of it
Bans or legalisation?
SINCE THE DAYS of Concerned Parents Against Drugs (CPAD), the growth
of the heroin problem in inner-city Dublin has largely gone without
comment. In the last few months, two factors have pushed it back into
the spotlight - the government's declaration of a 'War on Drugs', and
the emergence of the city-wide campaign against heroin which has been
set up by Inner City Organisations Network.
Direct Action Against Drugs: Murder
& Thuggery
MEN SHOT DEAD, many more beaten up. Attacks in Armagh, Belfast,
Derry, Dublin, Dundalk and Kerry. In most cases the reason given was
that the people being punished were ecstasy dealers. The murders in
the six counties were claimed by Direct Action Against Drugs.