Anarchism and the fight against Imperialism

Articles written on imperialism from an anarchist perspective, not including articles on imperialism and Ireland. Areas covered include S11, the 1991 Gulf War, 2001 Afghan war and the UN interventions in Somalia and Yugoslavia.

This index does not, in general, list articles on capitalist globalisation, see Against capitalist globalisation for articles on this.

Peasant raising fist in field

What is Imperialism
Imperialism is the process whereby powerful groups try to extend their power and increase their wealth by bringing ever more of the world under their domination. Although the word comes to us from Roman times, imperialism has been around for a lot longer?

Slaughter and Lies
Over the past decade Chechnya has been torn apart by a vicious and brutal war between Russia and Chechen separatists.


Background theory

WSM position paper on Imperialism

Imperialism is not just a buzz word
What we are seeing is the re-division of the world. The cold war has ended the same way as the 1st and 2nd World Wars, with a furious scramble by the victors for the prizes. Within a decade it is likely that Japan will be threatening world peace, or at least that is what we will be told.

Globalisation: the end of the age of imperialism?
IT HAS BECOME increasingly fashionable to use the term globalisation as a description of the international economy and international political relations

Anarchism and nationalism
Almost all of our present nations, and the very idea of the modern nation itself, are relatively modern inventions. With the rise of the bourgeois state in the nineteenth century, ruling classes needed an ideology to make their subjects identify with the state in which they lived

Useful links

Israel/Palestine and the Middle East

Israel/Palestine: Roots of the conflict (May 2002)
The historical roots of the current conflict in the Middle East with a statement by Israeli anarchists on the occupation

Up Against the Wall
An Eyewitness Report from Palestine

Book Review - Palestine by Joe Sacco
In the book '1984', Winston Smith is told what the future is going to be like. He is told to imagine a boot grinding a face into the ground over and over again.

Palestine and the International Solidarity Movement
The ISM has had a good deal of success in helping out in some of the day to day situations faced by ordinary Palestinians

April 27th 2002 - Second Palestinian solidarity march in Dublin [with photos]
On Saturday 27th Dublin saw its second major demonstration against the Israeli occupation of Palestine in a month. The march had been called around the slogans 'Justice for Palestine' and 'No war on Iraq' although most placards concentrated on the Palestinian situation.

April 6th 2002 - Protests against Israeli occupation in Dublin [with photos]
Some 1,500 to 2,500 people marched though Dublin on Saturday demanding an end to the Israeli occupation and freedom for Palestine. The demonstration was the culmination of a week of activity that included a six-day occupation of a tree in the car park of the Israeli embassy

Pogroms in Palestine
An Israeli anarchist on Jewish resistance to the Israeli state

Useful links


[for Irish opposition to the war see the Shannon airport index

Bad things happen: Tales from the frontline in Iraq
"It was when we started killing innocent civilians. We killed over thirty of them in a three month time period when I was there, in a clear violation of the Geneva conventions."

The Fight for a Free Iraq
What is life like for the Iraqi workers caught under the occupation and all too often in the cross-fire? The US/UK occupying force is not too happy that Iraqi workers are organizing themselves rather then obeying the puppet Iraqi Governing Council

 Iraq war aftermath - Slaughtering democracy
The US/UK war against Iraq, trumpeted as a war for 'democracy', illustrates what this 'democracy' means in practice. 

Why does the US want war with Iraq?
Like most other wars, this is about control of resources.Wars are also good for the economy, and the US economy certainly could need some help at the moment.

New World Order : Same Old Slaughter [1992]
The imperialists' victory over Iraq was no surprise given their massive technical and military capacity. What is more interesting is the ready help given them by the "free press". This article focuses on how the media provided a "licence to kill" in the Gulf.

Anarchist News No. 9 opposes the visit of the US warship to Dublin and exposes its role as a killing machine during and after the Gulf War. [July 1996]

Iraq : This is Terrorism [Spring 1999]
The US has waged war for the last ten years against the ordinary people of Iraq, not against Saddam Hussein.

For articles on opposition to the war on Iraq in Ireland see Stop refuelling at Shannon warport

Liberia: The myth of humanitarian intervention
Every so often the newspapers fill with stories of a crisis in some third world country. We see pictures on our screens of gunmen, starvation and suffering; inevitably we hear calls for humanitarian intervention.

War: who is it good for?
As war looms in the Gulf again we can be sure that, whatever the outcome, hundreds of thousands of lives will be destroyed by the conflict.

War is the health of the state
War is always in their sights. Six days after the Trade Centre strikes in New York the Bush Administration had already initiated plans to take Iraq out

US anarchists against the war
One of the favourite arguments of the pro-war crowd in Ireland is that anyone who opposes the war is 'anti-American'.

International Direct Actions against the war
Listing of international actions against the war

Direct Action and fighting to win
Anarchists are not particularly interested in protesting against the evils of the world - we would prefer to abolish them!

Why does the US want war with Iraq?
Like most other wars, this is about control of resources.Wars are also good for the economy, and the US economy certainly could need some help at the moment.

more Material on the current Gulf War


The final victory will be the people's
An interview with Farzad, an Iranian Dissident in Exile in Ireland.


Restlesness in the Andes
The Bolivian people suffer from one of the most blatant and shameless exploitations in the world by both their local and foreign rulers. They have a long tradition of organisation and direct action.

S11 and the 'War against Terrorism'

Millionaires go to WAR! Expect world's workers to fight for them!!
What do Bin Laden and George Bush have in common?

Anarchist News 26 Against capitalist war and terror
The terrorist attacks on the USA of September 11th which killed over 6,000 people have rightly outraged not only the citizens of the US but also the vast majority of the rest of the people of the world

Against capitalist war and terror

PDF file of Against Capitalist War and terror

The media and the war
Terry Clancy, of the Free Earth website, examines the 'free' press to find out why we shouldn't expect them to provide neutral or impartial coverage, especially during a war.

Dec 15th - Anti War message rings in ears of US Marines at Shannon airport [with photos]
Men, women and children have been bombed and gunned to death by US forces in Afghanistan and on Saturday 15th of December men women and children from the four corners of Ireland gathered at Shannon airport to protest at the use of that facility as a stop over and refuelling point for US death squads.

Nov 4th 2001 Anti-war march in Dublin [with pictures]
Saturday November 4th saw a large anti war demonstration march through Dublin city centre. This reflects growing opposition to the US war against Afghanistan following the bombing of Red Cross warehouses, a hospital and dozens of homes.

Sept 30th 2001 - Anti-war demonstration in Dublin [with pictures]
Between 800 and 1,000 people marched through the centre of Dublin yesterday as part of an anti-war protest called by Globalise Resistance. This was one of many protests internationally this weekend.

Sept 26th 2001 - First major anti - war meeting in Dublin
An anti war rally in Dublin last night confirmed that opposition to Bush's war is growing as fast in Ireland as it is internationally.

Resistance to war
A look at the history of anarchist and other resistance to war and the impact it has had

WAR on Terrorism = WAR on the innocent
We need to build a world in which not only war but also social, political and economic inequality are abolished. Building that world requires a lot more than simply opposing this war but it does include building an anti-war movement.

International anti war protests
Although this massive mobilisation has taken place in almost spontaneous circumstances, its arrival should not surprise us. The US is clearly linked with an economic strategy ("neo-liberalism") that has brought misery and poverty to huge numbers.

Tough on War: Tough on the causes of war
Why anarchism is the only real alternative to war. Re-printed from the Against War and Terrorism pamphlet

Useful links


Yugoslavia: Whose bloody war? [1993]
The war in what was Yugoslavia continues to drag on, with an ever increasing toll of people terrorized from their homes, killed or imprisoned. Most ordinary people are disgusted at the failure of the EC to do anything about it. Yet is EC or UN involvement any sort of answer or would it just make the situation worse.

Bosnia, Rwanda and UN intervention [1994]
Socialists should not support any intervention by the UN anywhere. What is currently happening in Bosnia and Rwanda demonstrates the reasons why we should not call on the UN to intervene.

letter from Serbia [1994]

Stop the bombing: Stop the Ethnic cleansing [Summer 1999]
The NATO bombing of Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo sees another force brought into play against the people of the Balkans. The bombs do not damage the rotten Serbian regime (nor any of the other rotten Balkan warlords). They are targeted at the Balkan people, of whatever ethnicity. Throughout the bombing anarchists from ex-Yugoslavia have been posting reports to the internet.


Black Hawk Down
It was reasonably predictable that a slew of patriotic films would follow September 11th. I will shortly deal with the slack jawed excuse for a film that is Black Hawk Down but first a very short trip into history: what really happened!

Famine in Somalia [1992]
THE FAMINE in Somalia has once again focussed attention on the problems of the less developed countries. Much of the response to the crisis is a short term one in the form of food aid. However in order to understand the causes of this and other famines in Africa it is necessary to race back the roots of the problem to colonisation and imperialism.

Somalia [1993]
"Liberal Interventionism" is the new buzzword for 1993. In every newspaper they are baying for blood. "US intervene in Bosnia", "America sort out Somalia" scream the headlines. People who might have questioned American intervention in Nicaragua, Panama or the Middle East are raging that the marines didn't go into Somalia sooner.

Review: African Anarchism: The history of a movement [1998]
This book is written by two members of the Awareness League, a 1000-strong anarcho-syndicalist organisation in Nigeria

Jan 2001 - An Irish anarchist in Africa
The previous international secretary of the WSM, Chekov Feeney, spent 2000 travelling over land through Africa. His personal diary accounts of each country and now online

Africa, anarchism & neo-liberalism [2001]
Many African countries are chronically broke. They must regularly borrow money to finance the public sector and to service their existing debt. The IMF is willing to provide loans as long as the government will carry out a neo-liberal reform package, known as a Structural Adjustment Program (SAP).

European union

The Euro: the root of all evil? [2002]
It makes no sense for us to oppose the EU on the basis of some sort of return to national sovereignty. Rather we must look for ways to create our globalisation agenda out of the process. The protests at the European Summits are proving one way of doing this

Vote No to Maastricht [1992]
"Fortress Europe" seeks to unite the European bosses and workers against the peoples of the rest of the world. Integration means a tightening of immigration controls. The Maastricht treaty in particular covers two other things besides monetary union. It is these that determine how we will vote. These are the questions of European defence and the Protocol.

Sweatshops, unions and Fortress Europe [2001]
The EU is continuing the exploitation of the people of North Africa through creating a special trade zone of some of the North African countries similar to the free trades zones North America has created in Mexico.

Murdered by Fortress Europe [2002]
The discovery of the bodies of 8 asylum seekers in a container in Wexford in late November shocked everyone. For those concerned with the plight of asylum seekers the deaths were not only a disaster waiting to happen but just the latest instalment in an ever grosser tale of human misery and exploitation

East Timor

East Timor: Anarchism or barbarism [Autumn 1999]
What was supposed to be a safe referendum carried out under the auspices of the United Nations has led to thousands of East Timor people being gunned down in cold blood

The SDLP, the arms manufacturer and East Timor [Autumn 1999]
John Hume, leader of the SDLP, welcomed plans for Raytheon, a major arms manufacturer whose clients include the Indonesian government to set up a plant in Derry.


Haiti and US Terrorism
Haiti has long suffered from Uncle Sam's interventions. Born through slaves' revolts against their French masters, Haiti was the first black republic in the world -1804 - and for that has paid a high price.

Elections in Haiti - What about Democracy?
The 30th of September marked a new anniversary of the first coup against Aristide in Haiti. That day, activists in 47 cities around the world, held an international day of solidarity with Haitian people who, once again, are suffering from the effects of a coup and a bloody occupation under the command of the UN

South America

Chile: 30 years of 9-11 protests
Throughout the country Chileans commemorate September 11th 1973, the day of Pinochets bloody (US facilitated) coup.

Argentina says "Enough"
On the 19th and 20th of December 2001, there was a major popular revolt in Argentina. Tens of thousands of people demonstrated in the streets. The demonstrations were sparked by the government's plan to cut public spending as part of an emergency financial package demanded by the IMF

The anarchist struggle in South America [In French] [2001]
Anarchists are once again on the march, their voices are being heard in mass social movements after many years of silence, and their message of self-organisation against capitalism is being listened to by an ever growing number of workers.

1492 - 1992 Christopher Columbus slaver and thief [1992]
THIS YEAR sees the celebrations of the 'discovery' of America in 1492 by Columbus. The celebrations have generated some debate about the rights and wrongs of the events which followed the discovery. In Spain itself, Seville has seen riots as marches protesting at the celebration have been broken up by the police.

Cuba..socialist paradise or Castro's fiefdom? [1993]
Cuba, about 90 miles off the coast of North America, is the largest of the Caribbean islands. The social services are in a far better condition than they are in other Latin American countries. Virtually every Cuban under the age of 30 can read and write. But the cost of these benefits is high for the working class who have never been in the saddle of power in Cuba.


March 16 - SIPTU section supports Columbian Coca-Cola
SIPTU members in Trinity College have called for no investment in Coca-Cola by the Trinity College pension fund

Coca Cola Boycotted for (complicity in) Murder
Members of the Latin America Solidarity Centre and other individuals are working to promote the boycott and to raise awareness of this issue in Ireland

Colombia 3 - wrong people in the dock
The trial of the Colombia 3 has produced a frenzy of speculation in the Irish media about whether they are guilty or not, and how this might effect the 'peace process'.


Irish delegation returns from Mexico [1996]
As an Irish delegation visits Mexico to better its knowledge of the struggle there and to express solidarity with the Zapatista EZLN rebels

For Humanity and against neoliberalism [1996]
In August of 1996 3,000 people from all over the world gathered in jungle camps as guests of the EZLN to discuss building a global fight against neo-liberal capitalism

Thousands of rebels from all over the world meet in Spain [1997]
Interview with a WSM member who attended the 2nd encounter for Humanity and against neoliberalism in Spain this summer

What is the EZLN
The reason we are so concerned with the politics of the EZLN is not academic. Rather it is because we understand that real and permanent liberation can only be achieved by an international anarchist revolution. There have been many revolts by guerrilla movements in third world countries, some more successful than others but none have led to a fundamental change in the way society operates.

Feb 2001 2000 - What is it that is different about the Zapatistas?
In an article written for the Irish Mexico Group's magazine 'Chiapas Revealed' Andrew Flood takes a personal look at why the Zapatistas have attracted international support and why many activists see them as an example of a different way of organising


Kashmir&endash; another legacy of British Imperialism (this time with nuclear weapons)
George W. Bush is not the only leader to resort to a war to deflect attention away from his bankrupt domestic polcies.


Can we take on the multinationals?
How do we deal with powerful multinational firms who often have an international income greater than the Irish government? If we end up having to strike they can often pack their bags and move to another country; where they will receive another round of tax breaks, free workforce training and preferential treatment.

And the Wall came down?
Ten years ago, a series of popular rebellions brought the so-called 'Eastern Bloc' dictatorships to their knees. Even from today's vantage point, what was remarkable was the speed of the collapse

Feb 28th - Kissinger traumatised by Cork experience

Henry Kissinger was reported as being a bit shook by the barracking he received in Cork. There was massive opposition to his visit and two good demos.

September 3rd - Demonstration in Dublin against Chinese premier Mr Zhu Rongji [with pictures]

This week saw the official state visit of the head of the Chinese dictatorship which continues it's occupation and systematic colonization of Tibet, it's brutal state enforced one child scheme and which jails it's citizens for being part of an eccentric both totally harmless form of worship: Falun Gong

Coca Cola Boycotted for (complicity in) Murder
Members of the Latin America Solidarity Centre and other individuals are working to promote the boycott and to raise awareness of this issue in Ireland

Red and Black Ireland

News of Anarchism in Ireland

The Ainriail mailing list carries the latest news from the WSM and the struggles anarchists are involved in. There are never more then 8 posts a week (and normally only 2-4). We post printed articles to it shortly after they are published.

More details!


Chronological articles

Imperialism is not just a buzz word [1992]
What we are seeing is the re-division of the world. The cold war has ended the same way as the 1st and 2nd World Wars, with a furious scramble by the victors for the prizes. Within a decade it is likely that Japan will be threatening world peace, or at least that is what we will be told.

Earth summit [1992]
The earth Summit took place in Rio last June. In spite of the enormous cost ($123 million) and publicity (8,749 media people.) the final results were two weak treaties and the agreement of some "principles" on the environment

...and bloodsuckers in the bank [1993]
In a leaked World Bank memo he explained how the economic logic of dumping toxic waste in the less developed countries was impeccable.

Very profitable slaughter [1993]
The United States remained the biggest arms supplier to the third world in 1992, increasing its share of the market to 57% from 49% in 1991, according to the US Congressional study.

The Korean anarchist Movement
In the 2,000 years of Korean history there arose movements fighting for peasants rights and for national independence. Within these movements there were tendencies that may be seen as forerunners of modern anarchism, in the same way as we might view the Diggers in the English revolution The Korean Anarchist Federation in China was formed in April 1924. and published the "Korean Revolution Manifesto".

Why 1,000,000 died [1995]
The Irish Famine was not just a result of British Government incompetence or the greed of a few landlords. But of what happens when you have a system that puts profits for the few above all else.

Can we take on the multinationals? [1995]
How do we deal with powerful multinational firms who often have an international income greater than the Irish government? If we end up having to strike they can often pack their bags and move to another country; where they will receive another round of tax breaks, free workforce training and preferential treatment.

Uncle Sams Torture Trade [1996]
From September 1991-December 1993, the U.S. Commerce Department approved over 350 export licenses, worth more than $27 million, for torture and police equipment

Feed the World don't Arm the World [1996]
This year alone the British Government will spend £6.3 billion on the procurement of new weaponry. Meanwhile, the US government is set to spend nearly £40 billion in a similar drive.

The World Bank [1996]
The world bank is the mechanism by which the bosses force whole country to tow, the line. How is this done?

Mary Robinson and the UN [1996]
Current Irish president Mary Robinson fancies herself as UN president and has recently been talking about the role of the UN. We look at what the UN is really used for.

358 own half the world! [1997]
The UN revealed that the world's 358 wealthiest people have assets equal to the combined income of 2.3 billion people

250 Million children forced to work [1997]
Nearly twice as many children are working full time in developing countries as previously thought, according to the International Labour Organization.

What a wonderful world we live in!! [1998]
The latest figures from the United Nations Human Development Report about world poverty and poverty in Ireland.

Sick joke of the year [1998]
Al Gore in Vietnam

Hurricane Mitch [Spring 1999]
The natural disaster of Hurricane Mitch was followed almost immediately by another disaster, this time man-made. Chiquita and Dole announced the lay-off of almost their entire workforces

Globalisation: the end of the age of imperialism? [Autumn 1999]
IT HAS BECOME increasingly fashionable to use the term globalisation as a description of the international economy and international political relations


Review of Case Studies in Hypocrisy and US Human Rights Policy
A short review of two spoken word CD's by Noam Chomsky on US foreign policy

Review : Terrorizing the Neighbourhood [1992]
Terrorizing the Neighbourhood is based around a speech Chomsky made in January of 1990, shortly after the US invasion of Panama. It seeks to map out what US foreign policy meant in the Cold War and what its probable direction will be in future

Review: Voices of Fire [1995]
"Voice of Fire" is important, it contains everything that is known about the EZLN. It has all their press interviews, letters, communiqués, and it has responses to the Mexican Government's propaganda

Review: African Anarchism: The history of a movement [1998]
This book is written by two members of the Awareness League, a 1000-strong anarcho-syndicalist organisation in Nigeria

The news that isn't on TV [Summer 1999]
A review of Hidden Agendas by John Pilger

An American Addiction: Drugs, Guerillas, Counterinsurgency - US Intervention in Colombia.
Almost all of the 1.7 bn in 'aid' travelling to Colombia is in the form of chemical and biological warfare and money that is given to the military and paramilitaries (almost one and the same) who in turn are responsible for the majority of atrocities committed as well as being the main proponents of narcotics-trafficking in the country.


The development of capitalism in Japan
In 1869 feudalism was abolished and the clans surrendered their fiefs to the government. All classes were declared equal before the law and barriers on local movement and internal trade removed. Individuals were allowed acquire land and all the professions and trades were thrown open.

Greece: War and Civil War=
This talk is based around the Solidarity pamphlet 'The Greek Tragedy', subtitled 'the failure of the left' published in 1968 as a response to the coup in Greece the previous year. It states the left put up little resistance to the coup and places the reason for this in the lack of a tradition of self-activity in the working class. In particular the response of the Spanish workers to Franco's coup of 1936 is contrasted with what happened in Greece.

Other relevant indexes