In June of 1795 several Irish Protestants gathered on top of Cave Hill, overlooking Belfast. They swore " never to desist in our efforts until we had subverted the authority of England over our country and asserted our independence". Three years later 100,000 rose against Britain in the first Irish republican insurrection. Andrew Flood examines what they were fighting for and how they influenced modern Irish nationalism. [In Spanish]
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The Irish 'Famine': Why 1,000,000
The Irish Famine was not just a result of British Government
incompetence or the greed of a few landlords. But of what happens
when you have a system that puts profits for the few above all else.
1916: What are you
THIS YEAR marks the 75th anniversary of the Easter Rising. There will
be all sorts of commemorations throughout the country, organised by
forces ranging from Fianna Fáil to Sinn Féin. We will
hear a lot of talk about the "spirit of 1916", what does it mean
When the
Red Flag flew in Munster
FARM LABOURERS STRIKES, occupations of creameries, red flags
flying and 'soviets' being declared. Not usually the sort of thing
associated with the years 1919-1923, the years of the War of
Independence and the Civil War. This article covers the events of
these years they 'forgot' to tell you about in school.
When the Falls & the Shankill
fought together
This year is the 60th anniversary of the Outdoor Relief strike in
Belfast, which saw unemployed Catholics and Protestants fighting
alongside each other.
When British army chiefs refused to
obey orders
The Ulster Workers Council (UWC) strike of May 1974 was just one of
the incidents that showed, far from being "impartial", the RUC and
the British army did their best to prop up loyalism.
A complete chronological list of articles on the IRA cease-fire and the 'Peace Process'
The IRA and its armed struggle : A
Bloody Long War (1992)
Gerry Adams is no longer an MP. The politicians and media pundits are
over the moon with joy. In the immediate aftermath we were subjected
to a barrage of questions and comments. Will there be an escalation
of the armed struggle? Will there be a ceasefire?
The Downing street declaration and
the republicans (1994)
The peace negotiations represented the culmination of two trends.
Firstly there is increasing war weariness and disillusionment among
nationalists. On the British side a second factor has come into play.
The massive bill for the devastation of several parts of the business
heart of London prompted the British government to begin talking
Ireland, Sinn Fein and the peace
talks (1994)
The peace talks represent the ditching of Sinn Féin's left
gloss and a return to good old nationalist politics, pure and simple.
7/9/94 Statement on the IRA cease-fire
Workers Action is the
The killing of the seven building workers in January marks the most
bloody episode in an IRA campaign against those who work for the
'security forces', a campaign which has been going on since 1985.
There has been a massive wave of condemnation from bishops,
politicians and media figures..
Dump the politicians off your
The problem for the unionist politicians is that, unlike the period
of the Anglo-Irish Agreement, when over a hundred thousand could be
mobilised in demonstrations, now they are unable to organise any
significant opposition.
Neither Orange nor
Sinn Féin's politics offer little more to Northern workers, as
a class, than the politics of the fringe loyalist groups. Both aspire
to getting a better deal for the poor and oppressed in their
communities but neither are capable of delivering, as they are
limited to rhetorical appeals to the workers of the other side to
"see sense"
It was always time to
go..Troops out now!
25 years ago, on Thursday, August the 15th, 1969, 400 soldiers from
the Prince of Wales Own Yorkshire Regiment took up positions around
Derry city.
Warrington: A new Peace Movement?
Peace 1993 has started with the analysis we are offered again
and again by our rulers and the media. Paramilitaries, especially
republican ones, are portrayed as gangsters and psychopaths used and
manipulated by cynical "godfather's of crime".
The real difference is not between
Catholic & Protestant but between
rich and poor
Some republicans seem to be genuinely surprised that the 'peace
process' collapsed. How can anything be expected from the British
state which was responsible for Bloody Sunday, for smashing the
miners strike, for running down the NHS
Nationalism...No Thanks
Anarchists are for the defeat of British imperialism. But we want
more, we stand for the creation of a new society in the interests of
the working class and against the bosses, both orange and green.
Irish nationalism is not for
Anarchists are for the defeat of British imperialism. But we want
more, we stand for the creation of a new society in the interests of
the working class. This is very different from the politics of
nationalism, of Sinn Fein
another (Irish) life?
British army officers let the cat out of the bag.
Northern workers paid less
Workers in northern Ireland are paid less then workers in Britain or
the rest of Ireland.
Northern Ireland tops list of scrooge bosses
Unionist MP supports anti-Catholic threats
The Irish Nazi, the Unionist MPs
and the British Tories
An Irish fascist has turned up as editor of Right Now!, an
ultra-right magazine within the British Conservative Party. Among the
MPs who have spoken at its meetings are Deputy DUP leader Peter
Robinson and Orange Grand Master Martin Smyth
Bigots and ballot boxes
Two short illustrations of the sectarian nature of the state in
northern Ireland
Sectarianism in the north and the
fight against it
This talk is about sectarianism in the North. Sectarianism is
something that has existed to a greater or lesser extent in Ireland
since the plantations and must be overcome if socialism can be
myths: King Billy revisited
The Orange Parades on and around the twelfth of July have long been a
bone of serious contention and indeed a source of sectarian conflict
in the Six Counties. Members of the Orange Order demand their
unalienable right to march the Queen's highway, in commemoration of
the victory of King William of Orange at the battle of the Boyne - a
victory (as the Orangemen see it) for religious and civil liberty.
Republicanism and
While the prospect of an end to political violence would doubtless be
welcomed by the vast majority of people living on this island and
especially by the population of the 6-Counties, it is important for
all of us to realise where the so-called "peace process" is leading
The Limerick soviet of
The first problem facing the strikers was how to feed Limericks
38,000 inhabitants. The committee sat in secession all of monday
organising food distrubution. The committee was sivided into two
sections, one to recieve food and one to deliver it. Hundreds of
special permits were issued allowing shops to open
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Articles include
Church power in the
The Catholic church in Ireland has always been massively supported by
the State and allowed a huge say in the running of the country. This
article will attempt to cover the facts of church power in Ireland
and the long history of State support beginning hundreds of years be
fore the establishment of the 26 county state
See also