All new publications are being made available as they appear. Please, please do take the time to fill in the feedback form of any publication you print out. As it takes hours to prepare and upload a PDF file we will only continue to make them available if it is obvious they are being used. If you are printing out several publications as once you can send the info in a single mail to [email protected] rather then filling out every form.
If you live in Ireland and would like to distribute 5 or more copies of each issue of Wokers Solidarity where you work, study or live then tell us how many you want and where we should post them to you and we will send them out free!
What is communism? The complete artilce of which an extract appears in Red And Black Revolution No 10. "Of course its not that important to get hung up on a name, for many people the Concise definition of communism being something to do with Marx and the USSR is the one they know. For us the name of the post-capitalist society we aim to help construct is a detail, what matters is the content of the ideas."
[Download the PDF file] [Read the articles online]
Vote No: Send a Message to McDowell on June 11th If we vote 'Yes' on June 11th, children who were born in Ireland, and have never set foot outside of Ireland, will have no rights as Irish citizens. They will be liable to be kicked out of their own country. Download and print out the PDF file
Articles include
PDF file of The EU, globalisation and Seville How the EU is a motor for globalisation and how its decision effect Irish workers. Also looks at the so called 'inquiry' into the Gardai riot at the RTS street party.
PDF file of Call this Choice? We encourage you to download, print out and make copies of this leaflet and give them out where you are.
Vote Pie poster To commemorate the pieing of Bertie
Stalin didn't fall from the moon A 12 page pamphlet on the Russian revolution
Sex, Class and womens oppression A 14 page pamphlet of anarchist articles against the oppression of women
A history of the fight against the Water Charges in Dublin Article from Red & Black Revolution about this succesful struggle against an unjust tax
What is Socialism from Below A four page leaflet explaining What Socialism from Below is and why it is incompatable with Leninism
Print out and distribute your own May Day posters and leaflet/pamphlets.
You can download and print out PDF files of the poster shown right and/or the leaflet on the left (the text of it is 'A history of the Chicago events'. Print out 1 or 500! Give them out at May Day marches, conferences, gigs or just leave them pinned to notice boards. Although they use colour they will print out fine in black and white.
PDF file of the poster
PDF file of the leaflet
We invite you not only to print out the PDF file for yourself but to print out extra copies of it for distribution at events or to your friends, fellow students or work mates or simply to leave where others may pick it up. If need be you can recover your photocopying/printing costs by charging for each one. Any profit should be donated to our international solidarity fund.
All we ask in return is that you tell us how many you are printing out and where you are distributing them. This PDF version takes extra time to prepare from the printed version so this feedback is essential to us deciding whether this extra time is worth it. Even if you are only printing out a copy for yourself please tell us as every bit of feedback will encourage us to make future editions also available as PDF files.
The detailed anarchist argument of why parliamentary elections do not give us democracy. Also available as a PDF booklet
To view and print out the file you will need to have Adobe Document Reader on your computer. This is free software that now comes on many computers and with many CD's. If you do not already have it you can download it from the Adobe site. [or click here for a faster text only page]
The Ainriail mailing list carries the latest news from the WSM and the struggles anarchists are involved in. There are never more then 8 posts a week (and normally only 2-4). We post printed articles to it shortly after they are published. More details!
The Ainriail mailing list carries the latest news from the WSM and the struggles anarchists are involved in. There are never more then 8 posts a week (and normally only 2-4). We post printed articles to it shortly after they are published.